"Seeing is Believing"
TEXT: Col.1:16; Job 1:6; James 3:14-18, 4:7-8; Eph. 6:12;
1. The human heart gravitates towards self-righteousness. Humanity faces a huge temptation to assume that we, in a personal sense, are “good.” The work of the gospel starts by helping an individual realize that they are not good (which can be difficult to discern when comparing yourself to others).
2. The world seems to be comprised of both materialists and spiritualists. Materialists trust only in what they can perceive with their five senses, while spiritualists tend to over-spiritualize every aspect of creation. The children of God should adopt a wise, thoughtful, and balanced mix of both views.
3. It is obvious that humanity is impacted by the seen (visible) world, but less obvious that we are likewise impacted by an unseen world (invisible). We can observe this reality emerging from the Book of Job (the oldest book in the Bible). Satan is allowed to test Job, under the authority and watchful eye of God, and his ordeal is recorded in the Word of God to help us understand how the unseen world impacts our visible lives.
4. The powers of evil are being used by the Lord to test His children and prepare them for eternity. Anything that comes into our lives, if we continue to trust and abide in Christ, will ultimately result in something that benefits us. Perhaps not in this life, but assuredly in the one to come.
5. We are called to be “priests” before our Heavenly Father. Meaning, we are called to deal with sin (in both ourselves and others). If we refuse to take the nature and reality of sin seriously, the ‘evil one’ is given “rights” to complicate our lives (in a way that seeks to cause us to abandon our faith).
6. The powers of evil desire one of two things: (1) to be given all attention, or (2) to be completely ignored. Both mistakes will result in the powers of evil being given authority to hinder the work of the Lord in and through our lives.
7. What is the “first level” of spiritual warfare? James 3 alludes to common human behaviors that cause tension, strife, envy, jealousy and many other earthly and demonic motivations and realities. This level of warfare seeks to distract us from God’s Kingdom and to create division in the Church of Jesus Christ. But we, as God's children, have been called to be peacemakers. We can reject this level of spiritual warfare by living out our high calling as peacemakers.
8. To be double-minded is to desire and to seek control. Single-mindedness submits to the authority and control of our Creator. If one will submit to God, and allow His Word to guide their lives, our Heavenly Father promises us that the enemy will flee.
1. Why is humanity drawn towards self-righteousness? What are the perceived benefits that draw us towards this transgression? How have you observed this show up in the world and in your own life?
2. What does it look like to adopt a wise mix of both materialism and spiritualism (Truth 2)? How can one discern when something is only physical in nature and/or when something has a spiritual significance?
3. What would you say to someone who has trouble accepting that there is an unseen world that impacts human life and behavior? What has helped you personally come to accept this reality as truth that governs our world?
4. How are called to deal with the sin of others (as priests)? In what ways does this produce blessing, unity, and love?
5. Can you give a theoretical example concerning what it looks like to be a peacemaker?
6. Relinquishing control to God seems rather vague (Truth 8). What does this practically look like in the life of a believer? How do we do this in our daily lives?
Pray into the following areas:
To take seriously our role as 'priests' and 'peacemakers'
Wisdom and help in understanding the impact of the unseen world